Me and You! MY Mr. Could It Be

Sekitar bulan Oktober awal gue kenal sama dia. oke kita sebut aja dia, Do'i. Do'i suka Twilight, awalnya dia anggap dia Edward, tapi dia nyangkal kalo ternyata dia seorang werewolf, so he think he is Jacob. OMG... youre my Jeje always~ Do'i juga suka banget Raisa ;) awal kita kenal deket aja dia nyanyi Could It Be buat ngegoda gue sama temennya. Doi selalu ngira gue suka sama temennya, bukan dia! *So STUPID are you! makanya, awal kenal, i called him Mr. Could It Be.

Do'i paling sering kutip kata-kata Jacob "If YOU kill HER, YOU kill ME" 

Kadang juga gue ingin bilang yang Jacob bilang ke Bella pas di Eclipse
Aku ingin kau tau aku mencintaimu, dan kau memilihku bukan Edward.
Someday, mungkin gak lo baca note ini?

And I still remember the first day I met you..
Remember our old happy memories, I miss that a lot.
I’m always here for you, not because i wan’t you to be with me but because i want to be with you.
I like you, maybe it's the fact that you're perfect in my eyes, I always want to be around you and when I am. All I can do is smile.
Dont promise you will here! cause i know you lie!
I wish you were here, but you're not. You're there, and there doesn't realize how lucky it is.

oke fine bye sekian buat post curcol kali ini.. nanti kita sambung* byeee~


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